Female Solo Traveler
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Solo Traveler, Who Was Almost Kidnapped, Reveals Top 5 Dangerous Countries She Visited

he fTraveling solo can be quite the exhilarating experience. It can also be quite terrifying. After almost being kidnapped, this solo traveler decided to share her recommendations to other solo travelers. However, these recommendations are not for places she would return to. Instead, she reveals the top 5 dangerous countries she has visited that she would not return to.

Top 5 Dangerous Countries

Whether you are traveling alone or in a group, it is always good to be aware of your surroundings and the potential dangers that your chosen destination has. Luckily, TikToker Andrea BoldBody has decided to share some of her experiences and knowledge with the world.

The solo traveler shared a video on TikTok of the top 5 dangerous countries that she says she would avoid as a solo traveler. She confessed in her video that she knew her list was "going to p*** a lot of people off." However, she chose to share them anyway, explaining to her thousands of followers that she will never go back to any of these places for her own safety.

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5.) Manila, Philippines

Top Five Dangerous Countries Philippines

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Coming in at number five on her list, Angela mentions Manila, Philippines. She claimed that during her time there she could tell it was "definitely not safe." She claimed that her hotel would not let her walk outside to go to the ATM in just a tank top. They said that because "there were so many men outside and it just wasn't safe" for her to walk out there alone. That can be nerve wracking, knowing that you cannot leave your hotel due to safety concerns.

4.) Paris, France

Paris France Dangerous Country

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The next place on her list of top 5 dangerous countries may surprise. You, when people think of France, they think of Paris, and when people think of Paris they think of romance. After all, it is the city of love. Well, according to Angela there isn't much to love about it. She said, "I was literally almost mugged twice while on the subway."

To clarify she told her viewers that there were police officers around during both instances. She was also told to be wary of pickpockets and was told "not to go out alone at night." While many countries have pickpockets, it is alarming that she was almost mugged, especially in the presence of police officers.

3.) Cartagena, Columbia

Top 5 Dangerous Countries for Solo Travelers Columbia

Shutterstock Photo by Jeff Whyte

While the TikToker admitted that she loved her time in Cartagena, it still gains a spot on the top 5 dangerous countries list. First she mentions that the men here were also pretty aggressive in their advancements towards here however there was a distinct encounter that earned it the third spot on the list.

Andrea revealed, "When I initially got there, before I got into the walled city, I was taking videos from my taxi. I stuck my arm slightly out of my taxi  window. The cops then pulled up next to me and told me to stick my arm back in and that it wasn't safe to have my cellphone out like that. "

She then clarifies that the cops were not the only ones who warned her about the dangers of the area. "Other locals told me not to be out and about taking videos and that it just wasn't safe for me to walk alone around, especially at night."

2. )Caye Caulker, Belize


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Andrea admitted that this was the destination that angered the most people. She admitted, "I think Belize is so beautiful." However, she felt unsafe because the men were apparently extremely aggressive. She said, "So much so that I had to pepper spray a man that was literally touching my person, touching me physically, just to get me to come into his restaurant."

1.) San Salvador, El Salvador

Top 5 dangerous countries for solo traveler

Shutterstock Photo by Elena Berd

While she admits that she know this destination would also anger people she claimed that in this destination she was almost kidnapped, which easily places it in the number one spot. She states, "I was almost kidnapped by two men, walking in San Salvador." Then, she further clarified that the men who were trying to kidnap her were not gang members and this was after El Salvador had already seen a decrease in crime.

She continues, "These were construction workers because they were in a flat bed truck and they had wired spool in the back of their truck." Then she details the encounter. She recalls, "They pulled up next to me, of course I was walking alone. Both of them grabbed me by my arms, and were pulling me inside of their truck."

Luckily for Andrea there were restaurants nearby and people heard her screaming. Multiple people came outside and yelled, "Leave her alone, don't touch her. And the guys got in their truck and sped off." With an absolutely horrifying experience like that, I can understand how it ranked number one on her list of top 5 dangerous countries, and why she would not want to return.