Now this guy knows how to kick off a deer season.
Thomas Gordy, of Jackson, South Carolina, apparently doesn't like to waste time. Unlike many hunters who tend to put off their first hunt until the second or third weekend of the season, Gordy treats the opening day like last day he'll ever set foot in the woods.
In the first three days of South Carolina's 2019 deer hunting season, he managed to shoot two quality bucks, one of which will make any whitetail fanatic salivate.
Ironically, he ran into a road block before even hitting the woods. When he arrived at Cowden Plantation in Aiken County in the afternoon of the opening day, he didn't have the ability to get to his preferred stand without disrupting another club member's hunt.

Courtesy of Thomas Gordy
However, his move to an alternative stand would ultimately pay off, as he ended up seeing a group of five bucks, all in velvet, mingling with a few females. Once the does moved out of the way, he had a clear shot at one of the smaller bucks. He connected from 100 yards out with his Remington 700 chambered in 7mm Rem. Magnum.
Even though it was more of a "cull deer," it was certainly wasn't a lousy one. The 9-pointer, weighing around 195 pounds with a 19 3/4-inch spread was big enough to have made any hunter's day. But it did, however, have noticeably short tines.

Courtesy of Thomas Gordy
Additionally, Gordy had seen bigger bucks on his trail cameras.
On the third day, he decided to take his 5-year-old son with him, but wasn't expecting to shoot anything with it still being so early in the season.
"I told him we probably wouldn't shoot another deer, but that we had a good chance at getting a pig," Gordy told Carolina Sportsman in an interview. "When we got to the property, we set up in the quickest stand—a box blind—to get to. It had a good cell phone signal. The blind overlooks a 250-yard-long food plot that's about 50 yards wide."

Courtesy of Thomas Gordy
That was until a 10-point buck from his trail camera footage stepped out and ultimately offered a shot at 220 yards. He quickly told his son to put on his hearing protection and take his shot, this time with a Jarrett rifle chambered in 7mm-08 Rem.
Then, when they got within about 50 yards of the buck, it picked its head up and took off running, forcing Gordy to fire off another shot, which dropped it for good.
Gordy stressed that this particular buck was everything you look for in a trophy whitetail, as it had mass, spread and height.
"I'm really thankful my son was with me on that hunt," he said. "The deer's rack is just incredible. I'm a big guy, and I can just barely close my hands around the base of its antlers."
Congrats to Gordy on an incredible deer!