South Dakota Governor Signs Bill That Should Make Second Amendment Advocates Happy

The South Dakota Governor just signed a bill into law that should put a smile on the face of every Second Amendment supporter.

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem is proving herself to be a strong Constitutionalist and friend to gun owners. The new governor's first act of signing legislation repealed the concealed carry permit requirement that was passed by the state legislature.

By signing SB 47, Noem sent a strong message to her constituents that she supports the Second Amendment. The bill allows law-abiding South Dakota residents to carry concealed handguns without a permit.

"Our Founding Fathers believed so firmly in our right to bear arms that they enshrined it into the Constitution," the governor tweeted. "This constitutional carry legislation will further protect the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding South Dakotans."

Noem said she was proud that this particular bill was the first one she signed as governor. The day before she signed it she wrote on her Facebook page, "Our Founding Fathers believed so firmly in our right to bear arms that they enshrined it into the Constitution. Tomorrow, I will sign SB47 into law. This constitutional carry legislation will further protect the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding South Dakotans."

With this act, South Dakota becomes the 15th state to allow permitless carry of a concealed pistol or gun in all or most of the state. South Dakota law already allows for open carry without a permit. "Those in the state that carry a weapon for self-defense will no longer have to worry about how they choose to do so," Noem said following the bill-signing ceremony.

As of 2018, nearly one in five adults in South Dakota had a concealed handgun permit. Eliminating the permit requirement should increase the number of people that legally carry concealed handguns even further. 

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