Spearfisherman Saves Friend By Battling Bull Shark Off Key West
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Spearfisherman Saves Friend By Battling Bull Shark Off Key West

Someone buy this man a drink! Everyone needs more friends like this. Sure, everyone wants to be your friend when things are going well. But it takes a true friend to save your life. A spearfisherman came to the aid of his friend after he was attacked by a bull shark off Key West, Florida.

Jose Abreu is sharing his brush with death. Abreu said that a bull shark attacked him while on a recent spearfishing trip. He was with his friends and also his children when the attack happened Abreu was in the water when the bull shark swam at him. He didn't have much time to react before it sank into him.

"He's too fast, he's too fast, I only say that this the end for me," said Jose Abreu. Within just 13 seconds, the shark bit his shoulder, chest, and right leg. He said he didn't have time to even fight back.

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"You don't have time, you don't have time to do nothing," said Abreu. "When the shark come to me, he coming to this way [showing the direction the shark attack him with arms] to my face and he put the mouth here [points at chest]," said Abreu.

Spearfisherman Battles Bull Shark

Fortunately, his friend jumped into the water to help him. The spearfisherman bravely dove at the shark and shoved a spear into its mouth. He started hitting the bull shark with the speargun.

"My friend is coming to the shark and hit him with speargun," said Abreu."My kids, I say 'Hey daddy, no die, no die,'" said Abreu. "I said 'Hey don't worry, this is small, this is nothing, this is small."

Finally, the shark swam away. The spearfisherman called emergency responders. They ended up airlifting Abreu to Jackson South Meical Center. He said he would be dead without his friend's help.

"I am here for my friend," said Abreu. "He saved my life."

"When you fishing alone, you don't have a chance, you don't have an opportunity for nothing," he added. Fortunately, Abreu escaped with his life to tell the tale. Now he is singing his friend's praises.