Storms are never fun, but we can typically predict when one is going to strike. This means that we can properly prepare for the store to best mitigate the damage. It also means we have enough time to prepare a proper emergency kit. While we can all hope that recovery from a storm would be quick, that is not always the case. You want to be storm ready just in case recovery from a storm lasts longer than you expected. Here are all of the things you should have in your emergency kit.
What You Need In Your Storm-Ready Survival Kit

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This is a list of the essential items that should be in your storm-ready survival kit.
1. Water suggests that you should have several days worth of water. Additionally, it should be one gallon per person, per day.
2. Food
You also want to make sure you have things to eat. Storms typically cause power outages so ensure that you have plenty of non-perishable foods.
3. Flashlight and Batteries
Speaking of power outages that means you will be in the dark. In order to be storm-ready you will need to be prepared for that. Have some flashlights and extra batteries so you can see properly.
4. First Aid Kit
You can never go wrong with a first aid kit. Emergencies happen everyday. Having this in your survival kit ensures that you are prepared for all of them.
5. Baby Wipes or Moist Towelettes
For many power outages also mean loss of water. Or if you still have running water, it will be cold. Having baby wipes for personal sanitation use can help you feel less grimy as you are recovering from the storm.
6. Can Opener
While this seems like a ludicrous thing to worry about having in your survival kit it is not. Most non-perishable food items are canned. You will be hard-pressed to open them without a can opener.
7. Cell Phone Chargers and Battery Packs
You will want to have your phone as long as you can. Charge up those battery packs while you can because when you lose power they will be the only way to charge your phone. You phone is one of the main ways you can call for help. So ensure it is fully charged and don't use it for emergency or contact reasons.
8. Prescription Medications
If there are medications you know you need to take ensure that you pack them in your storm-ready survival kit as soon as you know a storm will hit. If your home is damaged you don't want to be guessing where your needed medication is. Instead have it safely packed in your kit and easily accessible to you when you need it.
9. Food and Water For Your Pet
If you have a four-legged member of the family do not forget about them when packing your storm-ready survival kit. Ensure there is enough food and water for several days for each of your pets that you have. When a storm comes do not leave them behind.
10. Change of Clothes and Blankets
Ensure each person has at least one change of clothes in their storm-ready emergency kit. As well as blankets to keep warm. Without power, temperatures can be unpredictable and it is important to stay dry and warm.
There are many other items that are beneficial to have in your storm-ready emergency kit, however these ten are some of the most important. Remember, preparedness saves lives.