Shutterstock / Kit Leong

Strange Pit Found On Google Maps Has An Extraterrestrial Origin

A strange pit was identified on Google Maps by a man, and the potential origin of the unique stretch of landscape is quite eyebrow-raising.

According to UNILAD, Joel Lapointe first came across a head-scratching change in landscapes while browsing Google Maps. Lapointe had unknowingly identified what has been guessed to be an impact location from a meteor that crushed Earth's surface many years ago.

There is certainly a lot to be considered within such a statement. Notably, Lapointe's journey to expert opinions started with his own curiosity. Lapointe first noticed that a large section of ground was different in color from all the land that surrounded it. The anomaly resided in Canada. Specifically, the pit was situated in Quebec's Cote-Nord.

Aside from the sudden in change in color of landscape, Lapointe also saw that the unique section of map also seemed to form a shape. Moreover, a small pool was found in the middle of the swath of land. Likewise, another pool curved around the edge of it. Finally, Lapointe also found mountains ranging around the area.

With such an interesting finding, Lapointe's curiosity led him to search for the opinion of an expert. Luckily, Lapointe was able to connect his findings with the knowledge base of Pierre Rochette. Rochette - a French geophysicist - was quick to toss out a potential answer for the strange pit. Rochette told the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation that the evidence he was presented via Lapointe was "very suggestive of impact." Specifically, that impact would have been a meteor impact.

While the theory is exciting, Rochette did say that further tests would be required to confirm the pit's origin.

Geophysicist Suggests That A Strange Pit In Canada May Be A Crater

While further testing is necessary to confirm the origin of the landscape, many are excited by the possibility of the discovery of a new crater. Importantly, if the site were to be a crater, it would be the first that was discovered since 2013.  As more work is done in effort to learn about the strange pit, answers will draw more attention to the story. Until then, we all will be waiting patiently for some new news on the topic.