Gun safety is no laughing matter.
These shooters forgot that (or never learned in the first place) and paid a heavy price.
10. Better make sure that gun is unloaded before you start cleaning it...
9. Steel toed boots do not stop .45 caliber bullets, sir...
8. Looks like someone forgot to remove either a cleaning rod or a bore sight before firing...
7. A marlin .444 using handloads kaboomed and turned this fine lever action rifle to scrap.
6. Cleaning that .44 Magnum revolver loaded up with hollowpoints? Better unload it or...

5. Once again, feet do not stop bullets...
4. This guy swept his hand in front of his .40 S&W caliber pistol loaded with hollowpoints. His hand was not quicker than his trigger finger...
3. This fellow was unloading his .45 caliber pistol after coyote hunting. He unloaded a hollowpoint slug into his leg, but luckily missed the bone.
2. A .357 SIG Double Tap 115 Grain Jacketed Hollowpoint made this nasty leg wound (pictured 3 weeks later). That leaves a mark...
1. A soldier in the Ukraine ended up with a live grenade embedded in his hand during military exercises. Now, that is a really bad situation.
So, what have we learned today boys and girls? Make sure you ALWAYS follow all gun safety rules. Be careful and watch out for yourself and others too. One mistake will be a forever one.
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