This is one of those instances where I question if I truly am a horrible person. Unfortunately, I am one of those individuals who finds humor when people fall. Shows like Ridiculousness and Fail Army are my bread and butter. Now, in this particular instance I think it is the cyclist's reaction that makes it so humorous to me more than the event itself. Watch this insane video where a deer clotheslines a cyclist and see what he has to say about it.
Deer Clotheslines Cyclist In Insane Viral Video

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First thing I should address is the use of my word cyclist. Yes, this young kid from Mattituck, Long Island is riding a bike. However, unlike me in my childhood, he is not powering it with his own two feet. No, he is enjoying his joy-ride on a fancy electric bike. It appears that he does this regularly as he is recording himself doing it, speaking to the camera as if he will post this video later —vlog style.
The video shows him entering a dead end street on the bike as he says, "It says dead end...but is it?" He then proceeds down the path and warns his viewers that things are about to get shaky. He states, "If you are someone like me and you don't like shaky stuff, just like close your eyes for the next good 30 seconds." However, if we closed our eyes we would have missed what happened next.
While the young cyclist was expecting some turbulent road conditions I doubt he expected what happened next. About a quarter of the way down the road a deer clotheslines the cyclist, knocking him clear off his bike. Viewers can clearly see the body and face of the deer in the camera. It appeared to hit him right in the face, knocking him onto the ground.
Kid Handles It Like A Champ
I will be honest, he handled this way better than I would have and with slightly more profanity. As he stumbles around in the leaves he yells, "Holy sh*t!" An appropriate response I think. "Oh my God I just got hit by a deer," he pants as he stands and begins walking down the road. He seems to take in his surroundings, trying to fully grasp what just happened. He continues with several "Oh my God's" until you can hear him slightly groan in pain. Then comes his comment that made me chuckle. He grunts, "I just got f-ing smoked by a deer." You have to admire his dedication, he kept the film rolling for his fans and even posted it!
The internet was very impressed with this young cyclist. Comments focused on how well he handled it and how they were happy he was wearing the proper protective gear.
"Bro good job on wearing protective gear my man. That's good you weren't hurt too bad. Smart guy!"
"I'm gonna be honest this kid took it like a f-ing champ"
"good thing i didn't close my eyes ? deer could've smoked me"
"Dude you're lucky you're not hurt worse you were hauling and got TRUCKED. Took it like a champ tho."
Luckily the young cyclist was alright. He went into the comments and wrote this: "Hi guys, thank you all for the support this video has gained. I am fine and just saying thank you to all of you." Glad to know that he is doing well! Now we all know what it looks like when a deer clotheslines a cyclist.