I am sure every hunter has a bag that is packed with their essential items. Things like binoculars, knives, and maybe an extra jacket are always in your pack. While those items make sense, they are the items you would typically think of when packing for a hunting trip. However, what about those less thought about items. Just because something is not at the forefront of your mind, does not mean it is not a useful tool. There are many surprising household items that you want to have in your hunt pack that you may have never otherwise thought of.
Some Surprising Household Items You Want To Have In Your Hunt Pack
These items are not the typical objects you think of when packing your hunt pack, but they can prove to be extremely useful. Let's dive in and see what surprising household items are beneficial to have in your hunt pack.
1. Extra Pens

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You may be thinking, what in the world would I need a pen for to go hunting? Or if you are an experienced hunter, you may be chuckling to yourself because you know there never seem to be enough of these. NRA Women shares that "Most large game animals require a tag to be filled out when taken." It would be such a waste to go though the effort of a successful hunt, just to be slapped with a hunting violation because you couldn't find your pen to fill out the tag. Even if you packed one pen, pack some extras. Just like during your school days that one pen may disappear or it is always the one pen you pack that doesn't write when you need it to.
2. Toilet Paper

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This one may not be so surprising. After all, this is household item is something you want in your hunt pack and pretty much everywhere else too. You never want to be caught with the urge to go without the necessary equipment to complete the task. Just make sure that any toilet paper you bring out into the wild is biodegradable. However, toilet paper has many more useful functions besides keeping your rear end clean. It can also be used to mark trails, such as blood trails left by animals. You can also use it to clean blood and mud off of your animal as well as blow your nose. The options are limitless.
3. Trash Bags

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I think trash bags are not only a great household item for your hunt pack but they are a great survival item as well. They are useful for more than just storing trash. If it is raining or snowing, you can easily make a protective poncho out of a trash bag. Simply cut a small hole and slip it over your head and you are protected from the elements. You can also use it as a barrier against moisture to protect your pack or other important items. Whether you place it between the item and the wet ground or over top of it to keep it from getting wet in the rain. Furthermore, they can make hauling and storing your game a much cleaner process. These are essential to pack in your hunting pack.