Image of a great white shark with its mouth wide open about to bite
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5 Survival Stories From Crazy Animal Encounters

While animals are breathtaking, they can also be terrifying and dangerous. I wouldn't want to run across a great white shark or a wild pack of wolves anytime soon. However, not everyone that comes in contact with deadly animals suffers the most drastic consequences. On the contrary, some of them walk away with some pretty epic tales. Here are 5 survival stories from crazy animal encounters that will just blow your mind.

1. Real Life Moby Dick?

First up on our list of survival stories, this man is proving that the things of stories can happen in real life. At least that is what it looked like as a Chilean father captured the terrifying moment that his song was swallowed by a humpback whale. CNN shares that the pair were kayaking in Patagonia when the event happened. Luckily for 24-year-old Adrian Simancas, the whale decided he didn't really like the taste of him.

2. Experiencing Jaws...In Real Life

Honestly, running into a great white shark is one of my greatest fears. For Australian diver Eric Nerhus, it would soon become his reality. As he was gathering shellfish with his son and other divers he came face to face with a 10-foot great white shark. As if that isn't scary enough, the shark decided to attack Nerhus head first! When speaking with Australia's Nine Network Nerhus shared details from the terrifying two minutes inside of the shark's jaws.

"Half my body was in its mouth. I felt down to the eye socket with my two fingers and poked them into the socket. The shark reacted by opening its mouth, and I just tried to wriggle out. It was still trying to bite me... The big round black eye, 5 inches wide, was staring straight into my face with just not one hint of fear, of any boat, or any human, or any other animal in the sea."

3. Crazy Animal Encounters: Woman Vs. Bison

When Rebecca Clark decided to go on a week long solo hiking trip, I am sure she never imagined having a run in with an angry bison. Cap Rock Canyon State park is a place where both humans and bison thrive together peacefully. However, when you don't give them their requested 50 yard minimum distance, things can get ugly. Unfortunately, that was the case for Ms. Clark. She thought she was in the clear as she passed the bison, until one of them turned around and charged her. CNN shared, "The bison gored Clark in the back." Then, she shared the harrowing details with them.

"He hit me in the back," Clark said. "He ran to me, hooked me, and then flipped me up."

Although she thought she was paralyzed at the time, Clark has recovered from the incident and now even features the bison on her memory wall.

4. Bear Vs. Man And Man Lives To Tell The Story

Gene Moe recounts the terrifying experience that he was attacked by a Kodiak bear. This is truly one of those crazy animal encounters that you cannot believe happened. He was busy skinning and gutting a deer when the bear approached him. The hunter shared the terrifying moment when he realized the bear was charging at him and he couldn't get to his gun. All he had was his buck knife to defend himself. Moe's plan of attack? He thought to himself, "If I can't stop him I will put the hand with the knife into his mouth and down his throat." Well, that is exactly what he did. However, this incredible survival story didn't end there. The bear continued to charge. Eventually Moe punched the bear in the snout, which knocked the bear out. Then he staggered to his friends for help and medical attention.

5. Crazy Animal Encounters Lead Man Straight Into An Alligator's Jaws

Alligators and crocodiles are right up there under great white sharks for me. There is something extra terrifying about a giant creature with tons of sharp teeth just lurking beneath the surface. Although James Morrow can laugh and joke about his incredible survival story now, it was definitely not funny at the time. Mr. Morrow was enjoying a day in his canoe in Juniper Creek, Florida. After spending some time in the canoe he decided he wanted to do a little snorkeling so he jumped into the water.

What he didn't know was that he had just jumped "directly above a 450-pound alligator", shares. Unsurprisingly, the massive gator attacked Morrow. Marrow shared chilling details about the attack.

"I think my head was so far down his mouth that I touched his taste buds. When he tasted me, I think that's why he let me go."

Honestly, I give Mr. Morrow credit. I would tell this survival story entirely different. Despite his jolly nature, Morrow did walk away with several head wounds along with a punctured lung. However, he lived to tell the tale and now tells it with a great deal of humor.

Honestly, I am so happy that I did not have to endure any of these crazy animal encounters. While I admire all of these survivors and their survival stories, each one of them terrified me and left me with chills. Which do you find the most terrifying?