Tesla Semi Trucks Will Be More Aerodynamic Than Some Super Cars

Tesla Semi is poised to change the freight industry.

Once again, we're tuning into Tesla to see what they're unveiling, as a major press event last night was set to show off Tesla Semi, their new truck initiative.

The all-electric Class 8 transport vehicle looks like something out of a futuristic comic book, but the claims Tesla is making should chalk it up as the most innovative freight system yet.

Here's a shot of the interior:

The Tesla Semi will go 0 to 60 mph in just 5 seconds, notably faster than a typical diesel truck. If it's traveling up a 5% grade, it can still maintain 65 mph. It's has a 300 or 500 mile range, depending on a few things, and all that comes from four independent motors on the rear axle.

Tesla also says the electric energy costs are so good, they're repaid after two years of use. Roughly half those of diesel, the energy costs for the Tesla Semi trucks represent $200,000 in fuel savings.

That's the lowest energy cost per mile by far.

All this, and it probably wasn't even the biggest announcement from Tesla and CEO Elon Musk. That would be reserved for the reimagined Tesla Roadster they showed off at the end of the event.

We're right on the verge of seeing things change big time, and Tesla certainly seems at the forefront.