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Texas SPCA Wants You to Look for Baby Animals Before You Trim Trees or Hedges


That is the message Houston SPCA is broadcasting after a severely mangled baby squirrel was brought into the facility. Someone had been pruning a tree and accidentally hit a nest of baby squirrels. One of the babies fell from the tree and was brought into Houston SPCA's Wildlife Center of Texas with injuries to her face and ear.

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The squirrel survived the ordeal and the veterinary staff at the Wildlife Center managed to stitch the ear back together. The squirrel will be released back into the wild after a healing period.

Spring means the arrival of lots of baby animals, including birds and squirrels that may have nests in your trees and hedges. The Houston SPCA wants Texas residents to check their yards before doing any yard work, especially with sharp pruners and hedge trimmers. They don't want to see anymore injured animals like the baby squirrel!

Even though a large part of the country is still seeing winter conditions, it is definitely spring in Texas with temperatures already reaching the '80s. That means all kinds of wild animals are coming out of hibernation and hiding to have their babies. If you find an abandoned baby animal, including fawns, rabbits, squirrels, skunks, raccoons, and birds do not try to rescue it yourself. Call your local animal control or wildlife center and they will direct you with appropriate steps.

If the animal is injured, again, call animal services. If you do need to pick it up and take it somewhere, use towels and wear gloves so that you can protect yourself from diseases and infections as well as protect the baby animal from your own germs.

And remember to #SkimBeforeYouTrim when starting to do spring cleaning on your yard!

Have you ever found a baby animal in the spring? Tell us in the comments below.

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