Looking to pocket carry? You need to look at these guns.
A lot can be said for a gun that is concealable enough to slip into a front pocket or back pocket and go largely unnoticed. Of course, a pocket pistol much be much smaller and slimmer than other guns in order to pull off this concealed carry method. It is much trickier to pull this method of CCW off than a more traditional IWB holster method.
Most of the compact pistols on this list are so small, you wouldn't be able to see them even if you knew where to look. Combine them with a good pocket holster and you are good to go.
As far as stopping power, for this size, you have to have the mindset that something is better than nothing. However, these pocket guns still offer lot of firepower. You may not be a small gun person, but these are pretty cool no matter who you are.
1. Smith and Wesson .380 Bodyguard

Lindi Smith
To start this list off, you have to go with the best-selling of all pocket carry guns out there. Smith and Wesson really did it right when they made this weapon. People who have this gun always love it. The laser is a great touch if you need it, and it's so small it can literally go anywhere totally unnoticed in a pocket.
This is also the gun I personally carry when I pack light, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
2. Glock 42

YouTube: Iraqveteran8888
Glock is synonymous with quality, reliability, and great shooting semi-auto handguns. With that in mind comes the Glock 42. It's flat out the pocket carry self defense gun of choice for many Americans. What many people love about this gun is the fact that is a .380 ACP with decent stopping power, and it can hold six plus one. The slide locks back after the last shot is fired as well. At less than an inch wide but six inches long, it's not too different from most smartphones these days, in terms of concealability.
3. Smith and Wesson BodyGuard 38 Revolver.
You can call this pocket carry gun one of the most reliable subcompact weapons out there. At only a five shot, it does offer slightly more punch in the 38 special round. You also just can't beat the ease of use. As a such a subcompact revolver, this is a straight self-defense close-range weapon.
An overall length of just over six inches isn't bad, either, considering it is still smaller than most. I mean come on... It's a Smith and Wesson. You know it's a good gun.
4. Sig Sauer P238

Wikimedia Commons: DGAW
If you are looking for a very small and compact pocket carry gun, why not choose the weapon that resembles the ever-famous 1911? Coming in as one of the overall smaller guns on the list, the P238 also carries seven plus one. Following the trend so far, though, it's also another .380. At only five and half inches in overall length, this would look like a mid-sized smartphone while holstered in your pocket. You won't not be disappointed.
I love this gun. For an incredible low price of just over $300 and also chambered in a 9mm, the CPX-1 or the CPX-2 are both great options. Seeing as both of these weapons are chambered in 9mm, they pack a hefty hit. Not only that, but SCCY also offers a lifetime warranty on their guns. At just over five and half inches long and 15 ounces, it would be easy to forget this gun is even in your pocket. As a relative newcomer to the gun industry, SCCY and their CPX series of pocket carry options should not go unnoticed.
If you are in the market for a new carry gun so small it fits in your pocket, choosing any of the five above would make you very happy. If you are still looking for more of a punch, you may have to seek out something else. With smaller sizes come smaller chambers; that's just the way it is.
However, as I wrote above, in an emergency, something is always better than nothing.