Whitetail deer hunting seasons are almost here and this is what we're looking forward to.
As summer draws to a close and the seasons start to change, the anticipation of hunting season is at a high. This got us thinking about the stuff we're most looking forward to when the big-game seasons start.
Sometimes the excitement before the season is just as good as the seasons themselves.
With that in mind, here are five things deer hunters are most looking forward to once this year's hunting seasons finally begin.
Returning to hunting camp
Whether it's a week-long deer or elk camp, or just a weekend with some friends to do some dove hunting, we're looking forward to the good food, campfires and camaraderie hunting camp brings.
Even if it's just a specific, special day hunt with friends or family, we're counting down the days with eager anticipation as the time draws nearer and nearer. We simply can't wait to enjoy our regular hunting season traditions and relive old memories with the people we love. Hopefully we'll make some new memories over a big buck or two, which leads to our next item on the list.
Finally pursuing that buck from your trail cameras

Travis Smola
You've been running the trail cameras all summer long. There's the one big buck you've had your eyes on the whole time. Every card pull is like running downstairs on Christmas morning as a kid. You can't wait to see if he's still around and how much his antlers have grown. We put a countdown timer on our phones until opening day right next to the buck's photo as our background image. It's an obsession.
Maybe this is a buck you messed up on last year, or maybe he simply gave you the slip every time. Whatever the case may be, the great news is a new deer hunting season brings a fresh start and hopefully a second chance to redeem your mistakes. This year we're going to make it happen. That big buck is ours!
Spending time doing absolutely nothing in a treestand or ground blind

Travis Smola
The day-to-day grind of life sucks. That's why hunting is such great therapy. We're really looking forward to just sitting back and relaxing in all of nature's glory as we wait for a big buck.
Even if we don't see him, a bad day hunting is always better than the best day at work right? We get enjoyment just from watching the birds and the squirrels. Even if you don't take a day off to hunt, bowhunting from a treestand over a food plot is absolutely the best way to unwind from the grind of a long work day.
It doesn't matter if it's on public or private hunting land, or if it's firearms or archery season. We just can't wait to switch the cell phone off and just take in the extraordinary experience that is nature.
Big-buck rumors
Probably the only thing more fun than shooting a big buck yourself is reading about or seeing the success of other hunters. We don't know why it's so enjoyable, but every time we hear breaking news of an especially big buck harvest, we find ourselves contacting everyone we know to see if we can find photos or learn more. It's part of the fun of deer season.
Everyone enjoys seeing a big, mature buck, and we can't wait to see which ones fall this hunting season. Will this finally be the year some state or even world records fall? We can't wait to find out.
Fresh meat in the freezer
The supplies of wild game meat in our freezers are getting dangerously low right about now. We really don't want to have to buy any more beef from the grocery store than we have to. So, it's time to load them up again with fresh venison or other game meat as soon as possible.
This year, we swear we'll pace ourselves on the deer and elk jerky and not eat all of it inside of a month or two. OK, let's be honest. Who are we kidding? It is too delicious. We at least promise we'll give it a good try this time around...