The Internet Is Confused By What Exactly Is A Zorse
Image via Instagram

The Internet Is Confused By What Exactly Is A Zorse

I've heard of ligers before (crossbreeds between tigers and lions), but I haven't heard of a zorse before. But apparently they're a real thing, and they've surprised some on the internet. Many including yours truly didn't realize that you can combine a horse and a zebra together. But zorses are very real, and they're beautiful creatures.

Just take a look at the video below and tell me that the animal isn't majestic. The Skydog Sanctuary shared on  Instagram that they rescued a male zorse named Pete. It's got the features of a horse but with shorter legs, a zebra face, and some light striping. He was rescued from an exotic animal auction.

The caption said, "What a truly extraordinary sight - and sound. Janelle went out to get eyes on Pete the zorse and his mares and sent me this."

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The post continued: "She worked with him diligently to try to help him transition into domestic life and bring out the horse in him but in the end the zebra won out and he's happiest running free. His young mare Soleil was a mere filly when she came to us with an infected wound from the corrals but she's now blossomed into a powerful and strong mare with Strongheart and Hera as her mentors and guardians."

Zorse Surprises Viewers

The post continued saying that Pete was already adjusting. It read, "Pete is extraordinary and it's amazing that he stuck with the same girls and took them to higher climbs the second the lower gate was opened. They have hundreds of wild acres up here and more to come, it's going to be a wild summer for them all."

However, go to the comment section, and you'll find that many people are surprised that zorses even exist. One astonished viewer wrote, "Forgive my ignorance but I just can't fathom the cross breeding of a zebra & a horse. Thank goodness for Skydog!" Another wrote, "What an extraordinarily gorgeous animal Pete is! The fantastic physique of the quarter and the lovely partial striping of a zebra. Its so wonderful that you have a place that this wild boy can thrive."

One person commented, "Ok, so I did it. Went to google what a zebra sounds like. Pete does not sound like a zebra exactly. He sounds exactly like what he is. A horse and zebra. His bray or neigh is a perfect combination. Just like he is. It's abhorrent the way they bred him into existence, but he is a beautiful being and I am so grateful he has sanctuary at Skydog. It's absolutely the best place for him."

However, nature is a cruel mistress. Zorses like Pete are unable to have children of their own as they are sterile. Still, they make for fascinating creatures.