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This 375 Pound Great-Grandfather Sea Turtle Is Massive – See Photos

Enjoy this joyous moment when people watch this 375-pound sea turtle be released into the ocean. Bubba the sea turtle is finally going home!

It is always a joyous moment when an animal gets returned safely to the wild. However, something that makes that moment even more extraordinary is when that animal is huge! Recently, the Brevard Zoo released Bubba the sea turtle. Many people gathered around to watch as this 375-pound great-grandfather sea turtle was released back into the ocean. This guy was so massive that it even took some serious effort for him to move his body across the sand. Watch this heartwarming video as Bubba finally makes his way back home.

Bubba The Sea Turtle: His Story

Bubba 375 Pound Loggerhead Sea Turtle

Brevard Zoo Facebook

Bubba, a 375-pound loggerhead sea turtle was rescued back in April by biologists. They noticed that Bubba had some damage to his front flippers and decided to take him in. Or rather, they used a crane to take him in because let's not forget this big boy is almost 400 pounds! Later, he was transferred to the Brevard Zoo where he stayed at their sea turtle healing center for three months. It was there that the zookeepers and caretakers were able to take in the full extent of his damage.

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Bubba the sea turtle had lost his front flipper; caretakers assumed in a predator attack. Additionally, this poor guy was covered in so many marine leeches that he had become anemic. Luckily, Bubba was in good hands at the Brevard Zoo. Caretakers wasted no time as they began healing this 375-pound sea turtle. Fox News Digital was able to speak with one of the spokespersons from the zoo about Bubba's healing journey. He was given antibiotics, fed proper nutrition, and had routine wound cleanings. He even received cold laser therapy on his front flippers!

375 Pound Male Loggerhead Sea Turtle Gets Released

Bubba Sea Turtle Release

Fan of Bubba Instagram Post

While the zoo was excited because this was their first ever adult male, loggerhead sea turtle, they hoped this day would come. The team at Brevard Zoo was able to determine that Bubba is between 60-75 years old and is most likely a great-grandpa sea turtle! It was especially important to release Bubba because he is a reproductive male, and it is nesting season. It is important for Bubba to get back out there and help populate the earth with more loggerhead sea turtles. According to the Center of Biological Diversity, "Pacific populations of loggerhead sea turtles have declined by more than 80 percent in the last 25 years." They go on to mention that Atlantic and Indian Ocean populations are also suffering. "The current total estimate of loggerhead sea turtles is around 50,000, whereas the species once numbered several million throughout the world's oceans".

Thank goodness for all of the incredible caretakers at Brevard Zoo, and their dedication to Bubba and all of their animals. Hundreds of people showed up for Bubba's release, the zoo claiming it was their largest gathering for a release yet. Bubba was released at Coco Beach, Florida with a huge fan base cheering him on. While everyone was slightly sad that they had to part ways with him, no one could hide their smiles as he finally plopped himself back into the ocean and swam home.

As Promised: Bubba The Sea Turtle Photos

Enjoy these incredible photos of Bubba's recovery at the Brevard Zoo sea turtle healing center.

Bubba Sea Turtle

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375 pound sea turtle

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Bubba sea turtle

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375 pound sea turtle

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