Thousands of Sausage Dogs Come Together for Annual London Walk

Calling all sausage dog lovers! 

The third annual Sausage Dog Walk in London happened Sunday, March 18 at London's Greenwich Park. Over 1,000 Dachshunds got together and clearly, this event has gone to the dogs... and it's easy to see why it went viral! 

The mass walk ended at Kings Arms Pub just outside Greenwich Park - where dogs and their owners had a delicious sausage roll after walking in the freezing temperatures. Clearly, dog-friendly London deserves a shoutout from all Dachshund owners.

According to Business Insider interview with founders, Katherine Sofoluke, Catherine Hennigan, and Grace Ang-lygate, the owners of Insta-famous Dachshunds George and Mildred:

"Organizers are using it to help less fortunate dogs. Given it was snowing last time, we opted for StreetVet. That is a charitable initiative that helps homeless dogs on the street. They provide free care, medicines for the dogs, but also things like coats, blankets and a bit of love."

StreetVet was born in 2016, inspired by the incredible bond between a homeless man, Gary, and his dog Lola:

"Victims of the UK homelessness epidemic often have scant support, except for, in a growing number of cases, the companionship of their pets. Some have had their pets since before losing their homes. Others had the responsibility of pet ownership thrust upon them. Irrespective, the bond between many homeless people and their dogs is profound, such that their pets' wellbeing is a life-shaping priority." 

As you can see from this cold weather walk, Doxies enjoy all types of climates! They are prone to obesity so they need to get out for a brisk walk. Don't let those sausage-shaped bodies fool you.  Regular exercise is important for large dogs and small dogs, but small breeds also benefit from a walk with four-legged friends that are the same size!

These sausage walks take place every 3-4 months.

And if you'd like to see the thousands of pictures taken on the massive walk, please search by #SausageWalkLondon on social media. You won't be disappointed.

Just so you can brush up on your sausage dog skills, here's everything you'll ever need to know about Doxies!

Anytime you have the same breed together it's adorable! Let us know in the comments section if you walk your dog in a "breed" walk! 

Sausage Dog Walk Video courtesy of 9News in Australia.

WATCH NOW: Dachshunds Were Originally Badger Hunters!