Three Dogs Fatally Maul Toddler At Babysitter's Home
Image via YouraPechkin/Shutterstock

Three Dogs Fatally Maul Texas Toddler At Babysitter's Home

In a tragic turn of events, a toddler is dead in another grisly dog mauling. Three dogs attacked and killed the toddler while they were at a babysitter's home in Texas. Houston police responded to the scene.

It's another terrible and unfortunate incident. As a parent to a seven-month-old, it makes me a bit sick to hear news like this, especially when it involves such a horrific manner. According to police, the dog attack happened in Houston's Near Northside neighborhood. It's located just a few minutes from downtown.

According to police in the area, they responded to the incident at around noon on Monday. Someone called about a devastating animal attack at the residence. Upon arriving, they found a two-year-old girl. Three Rottweilers had attacked and fatally bit her. Emergency responders quickly came to the scene. They managed to transport the toddler to a nearby hospital, but her injuries were too great. The hospital later pronounced her dead.

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Dogs Kill Toddler

At this time, police are still investigating the incident. While it appears the toddler died from the dog attack, the Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences will have final say on what caused her tragic death. According to the medical examiner's office's online records, the victim appears to be Adaya Fisher. The medical examiner plans to perform an autopsy to determine her cause of death.

Likewise, authorities haven't announced whether they will pursue criminal charges or not. The incident happened at the home of a babysitter. According to witness statements, the three dogs attacked the toddler while inside the home. Police seized the three Rottweilers. At this time, we don't know if they plan to put the three animals down or what their ultimate fate will be.

Likewise, the case remains under investigation as of Thursday. They're still gathering what exactly happened. The family hasn't publicly spoken on the matter at this time. As a parent, I want to stress it's important to keep some distance between dogs and your little ones. They're defenseless at this early age. While dogs may seem friendly enough, they can turn on a dime.