Thrill-Seeking Couple Found Dead In Life Raft After Setting On Cross-Ocean Voyage In Yacht
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Thrill-Seeking Couple Found Mysteriously Dead In Life Raft After Setting On Cross-Ocean Voyage In Yacht

Authorities have a lot of questions after a Canadian thrill-seeking couple died. Authorities found them deceased on a life raft late last week. Let's rewind six weeks ago. They seem to me to be in a happier state. I mean they were setting sail on a trip across the Atlantic Ocean, and living high and free. It sounds a bit like a movie. It's just too bad it turned out to be a horror movie and not a romantic comedy — my wife likes those.

Unfortunately, both Brett Clibbery, 70, and Sarah Justine Packwood, 54, allegedly died. The couple appears to have abandoned their yacht. They passed away while on a life raft. Eventually, the raft, along with their bodies, washed up on Sable Island, the Vancouver Sun reported. Perhaps, morbidly, the island is called the Graveyard of the Atlantic because things have a habit of washing up there.

So what's up with allegedly? Well, it's strongly believed to be the couple. But Canadian authorities haven't officially confirmed them as the deceased. They did confirm that they believe the life raft to be from their yacht Theros. So many people put two and two together. The thrill-seeking couple documented their adventures on Theros on a travel blog.

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Thrill-Seeking Couple Went Missing

Let's rewind and see what answers we can glean from their travel plans. The couple set sail on the yacht from Halifax on June 11. They planned to cross the Atlantic to the Azores. They should have made it by July 2. The thrill-seeking couple documented their adventures on the YouTube channel "Theros Adventures." It's not the first time they've attempted a trip like this.

In 2019, they tried to cross the Atlantic. However, storms stopped that trip. On the day they left for this trip, the weather appeared calm. They were last seen off the coast of Nova Scotia. A week later, they were reported missing. Authorities still haven't located their yacht at this time. The number of questions is great.

For one, where is the yacht? Why did they decide to abandon the yacht? What happened to them on the life raft that led to their deaths? It's all very mysterious. The two married in 2016 and have been inseparable ever since. "We have been traveling and co-creating adventures ever since," Packwood previously posted on YouTube.