Rob S.

Trail Cam Tuesday: 20 Cool Captures Submitted By Our Readers

Check out these awesome trail cam submissions for the week.

Each week we will be featuring a selection of cool trail cam captures, in both image and video format, that are submitted by you, our loyal readers.

We're not only looking to feature the "biggest bucks," although we LOVE those captures, but also want to showcase the funny, unusual, and interesting footage you stumble upon.

Would you like to see your trail cam captures featured? Send them along to me at: [email protected] Please include your state/province, and make sure video submissions are shareable and embeddable, preferably from YouTube or Facebook.

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Here's a selection of the submissions you sent us this week:

First date

Lenny D. - Howe Island, Ontario

Trail Cam Tuesday

The running of the bucks

Tunny N. - West Central Missouri

Trail Cam Tuesday

Into the light

Jason Z. - Northern Central Michigan

Trail Cam Tuesday


Braxton N.

Trail Cam Tuesday

Poult pack

Rob S.

Trail Cam Tuesday

Hungry yogi

Rick R. - Ontario, Canada

Trail Cam Tuesday

Fanning the cam

Jack J. Jr.

Trail Cam Tuesday

Bucks in the mist

Brandon D.

Trail Cam Tuesday


Chris P. - Louisa, Virginia

Trail Cam Tuesday

Snow in Texas

Victoria S. - Wascom, Texas

Trail Cam Tuesday


Jon G. - Indiana

Trail Cam Tuesday

Face off

Regan L. - NW Alabama

Trail Cam Tuesday

The setting sun

Chris A. - West Virginia

Trail Cam Tuesday

The two-step

Sharlene S. - Brown Co., Ohio

Trail Cam Tuesday

The mighty bruin

Bill B. - South Central, Pennsylvania

Trail Cam Tuesday

Meeting of the bulls

Don B. - Tioga Unit, Oregon

Trail Cam Tuesday

Nature's UFC

Monty T. - Northern Idaho

Trail Cam Tuesday

Caught in the act

John B. - Guthrie, Oklahoma

Trail Cam Tuesday

Where'd everyone go?

Jamie T.

Trail Cam Tuesday

The gang's all here

Lona H.

Trail Cam Tuesday

And here's a favorite clip from my own trail cam archives:

If you'd like to see your trail cam captures featured, just email them to me at: [email protected]

Did you enjoy this post? CLICK HERE to view more article by Justin Hoffman. You can also check out his Photography Site Justin Hoffman Outdoors, as well as follow him on Facebook Justin Hoffman Outdoors, Instagram hoffmanoutdoors, Twitter @HoffmanOutdoors, or subscribe to his YouTube channel Justin Hoffman