Travel Influencer Couple Drowns After Wife Tragically Tries To Save Husband
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Travel Influencer Couple Drowns After Wife Tragically Tries To Save Husband

A travel influencer couple has tragically drowned after the husband fell into a Japanese river. The wife jumped to try to save her spouse, but she drowned as well. The incident happened last month, but a family member just recently confirmed their passing. They shared that Tsubasa Ito and wife Teitei died via a post on Ito's Instagram.

"My older brother and his wife passed away in a drowning accident while climbing a gorge," Ito's sister Minami wrote. "I hesitated about posting this on Instagram, but I have received many messages from people asking about their safety and offering my condolences, so I decided to write."

The Asian couple became famous for sharing their various alpine adventures together. Marrying in February, the travel influencer couple often shared their mountain top adventures. However, a visit to Japan's Gifu prefecture proved to be deadly in late June. While attempting to scale the peak, Ito fell into a raging river. The water level had risen due to a series of thunderstorms.

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After her husband fell in, Teitei tried to throw a 300-foot rope to him. However, he was unable to grab it before the water began to sweep him away. In a moment of panic, Teitei dove in after her husband. But the waters swept her away as well. The travel influencer couple drowned. Their friend reported the incident to local authorities. They found their bodies several hours later. A local hospital pronounced them dead.

Travel Influencer Couple Drowns

Sadly, both were wearing lifejackets, but the waters proved too much. In Ito's last Instagram post from June 28, the couple rappelled down a Japanese sea cave in Japan's Obama Bay. Fans took to the post to mourn the couple.

"I was always looking forward to your posts," wrote one crestfallen viewer. "I am shocked by this sudden event...I pray for your soul to rest in peace..." Another wrote, "I always enjoyed looking at Tsubasa's photos. I admired his always challenging and wonderful mountaineering. I was looking forward to seeing more photos of the beautiful mountains and streams, so I am very sad."

A third wrote, "I climbed countless times with Tsubasa. I helped him and he helped me. I learned a lot from his spirituality, not to mention his mountaineering skills."

"We both really loved mountains," they added. "We were both unsatisfied unless we were sprinting at full speed, so maybe this was bound to happen someday. But it's too early... Rest."