One travel influencer has been to more countries than most ever dreamed. In fact, he's been to 190 of the 193 countries across the globe. And he wants his fellow travelers to know what he considers the most overrated country destination in the world.
The answer is Egypt.
Speaking with the Daily Mail, travel influencer Luca Pferdmenges said doesn't have much plans to return to Egypt any time soon. Although he's only 22, the travel influencer has done charted most of the globe. With Egypt in particular, he said that the country is really annoying for tourists.
"Egypt is the most annoying country for tourists in my opinion," he said. He doesn't go into detail why. But I can hypothesize. Tourists seem to have a lot of problems with pushy scam artists around the pyramids. They're a bit like human pop-up ads, and they can be a real difficulty.
However, the travel influencer didn't stop there. He also issued some other locations that he considers overrated. "Maldives, Mauritius, Seychelles, most of the Caribbean Lesser Antilles [are overrated]," he stated. "They're often very touristy and often don't have much besides pretty beaches."
Europe wasn't spared either. The travel influencer revealed his least favorite country in Europe, and that was Belgium. He said that it felt really unsafe to be there as a tourist.
Travel Influencer Visits Several Destinations
'It just feels super unsafe at night in my opinion - and I'm talking about Brussels here," the influencer explained. "And many of the Belgian cities are pretty ugly as well. Grey and depressive, especially in winter."
As far as underrated places go, his pick would be Montenegro. "It's surprising how little recognition places such as Montenegro or Slovenia get. They are some of the most beautiful countries in the world — and cheap — but nobody visits them," he said. He also added Uzbekistan, Myanmar, and Bhutan to his list of underrated countries as well.
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"People usually forget they exist, but they're often way more exciting and more affordable than the 'classic tourism destinations' — especially hidden gems like Bhutan and Myanmar," he said. "They are really unknown, but some of the prettiest countries in the world.'
As far as his favorite countries go, the travel influencer has several. They include Mexico, Brazil, Israel, Spain, Bhutan, UK, the UAE, Portugal, and Austria.