Police were engaged in an unusual street chase the other day. While they typically chase criminals, officers in Durango, Colorado were busy chasing a kangaroo the other night. Yes you read that correctly, a kangaroo. Apparently, this unusual pet had broken free from its owner and was having a hop around the town. Pet kangaroo escapes is not the high-speed chase any of them were expecting that evening.
Pet Kangaroo Escapes

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Yea, I didn't know you could have a pet kangaroo either but apparently you can. The NY Post reports that "It is legal for private citizens to own kangaroos in the state of Colorado." While that seems incredibly cool, it also seems slightly unbelievable. How on earth can someone expect to take care of a kangaroo?
Well apparently someone tries, because a police camera caught the encounter as a pet kangaroo escapes. The officer was all giggles as she said, "How do I get it?" Another officer can be heard in the background yelling, "Come here buddy." This is definitely not a typical day on the job.
Nevertheless, the officer proceeds to follow the pet kangaroo as it continues its escape. In the video, you can see it hopping along the street. Seemingly unaware of its pursuers. After some debate of whether to use hands or tools, the officers were finally able to capture the kangaroo. It seemed so relaxed in the owner's arms.
Safe And Sound Once Again
Once the excitement was over the officers could appreciate the kangaroo. One commented on how they had never seen anything like this before. Another commented on how soft the kangaroo was.
When asked for the name, the owner replied, "Irwin, like after Steve Irwin." While I am so happy it all ended well for owner and kangaroo let's hope there are no more pet kangaroo escapes in their future. Even the officers joked that they are now "seriously reconsidering cardio."