five dog breeds you should never own
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Vet Warns You Should Never Own One Of Five Dog Breeds

While every dog deserves a forever home, some breeds are easier to own than others. A veterinarian in the UK is sharing his opinion about which breeds are the most difficult to own. This is a great list to check if you are looking for a new dog. There are some things that you may not know about certain popular breeds. Let's see which five breeds you should never own.

Five Breeds You Should Never Own According To Vet

Although most people think you should avoid owning a dog for a bad attitude, this veterinarian from the UK is focusing on a different factor: health issues. All the breeds on this list of five breeds you should never own are there due to specific health issues that they deal with. This vet, Alex Crow, has worked with all types of dog breeds, and the NY Post shares that he created this list based on "dog breeds that he encounters more frequently in his line of work."

1. Shar Pei

shar pei dog breed

Pexels: Thierry Rossier

While many people love this dog because of its many adorable rolls, Crow warns against its most loveable quality. The vet shares in his TikTok that the many wrinkles on this dog breed can lead to" serious skin infections as bacteria gets between the folds and festers." In addition to that, they have narrow ear canals, which makes them more prone to ear infections. Another expensive procedure that this breed often needs is a "face-lift" surgery. This helps prevent their eyelids from rolling inwards. Not to mention, they have a fever named after their breed.

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2. Flat-Faced Dogs

five breeds you should never own pug

Pexels: Steshka Willems

The next dog on the list of five breeds you should never own is a mix of species. Crow mentions some breeds that fall into the flat-faced dog category, such as Frenchies, Bulldogs, or Pugs. How could someone not want to own these adorable creatures? Well, because they, too, come with various health issues. They have shorter and more compressed airways than a typical dog, causing them to have breathing problems. This leads to "chronic breathing difficulties, overheating, and acid reflux."

Acid reflux requires a big —therefore expensive— and invasive surgery to correct. Mix that with the allergies, skin, spine, and eye problems that they are prone too and it is no wonder that vet Alex has added these cuties to his list.

3. German Shepard

German Shepards Playing

Pexels: Jozef Fehér

Although they will be great at protecting your home, they will not be protecting your wallets. While Crow admits this one is more of a specific opinion of his, he places them on this list because they "require a specific lifestyle in order to thrive." Without proper exercise and mental stimulation, Crow warns his viewers that German Shepherds can "become anxious and develop behavioral issues." They are also prone to hip and elbow dysplasia along with other joint issues.

4. Great Dane

Great Dane one of five breeds you should never own

Pexels: Matthias Zomer

While their size is part of their striking beauty, it is also one of the reasons they are one of the five breeds you should never own. Crow states, "These gentle giants are prone to a heart condition called Dilated Cardiomyopathy." Their large size also means they have a shorter lifespan, which can be tough for a lot of pet owners to handle.

5. Dachshund

The last dog on the list may surprise you as it is a common favorite in many households. However vet Alex has his reasoning. He states, "their long backs and short legs make them prone to severe back problems." He continues on by saying, "they are also susceptible to leg and joint issues." While he admits they have lovely personalities, he argues that their body shape leads to many serious health complications.

Every Dog Deserves A Forever Home


Here?s 5 dog breeds that I personally wouldn?t own as a veterinarian - I know this will be a controversial one but this is based on my years in clincial practice and seeing a wide range of different dogs with health issues; these breeds just seem to come in more often than others. ? ? Many of the reasons I wouldn?t have these breeds is due to their genetics and the way they have been bred. Many traits that we, as humans, consider cute such as flat faces or wrinkly skin lead to suffering of these animals. There should be more education around what taking one of these breeds of dog on involves. ? ? Please note that this is different to if I were ADOPTING one of these dogs. I would happily adopt one of these breeds of dog if I knew I could give it a better life and make adjustments for their genetic limitations. ? ? However, buying these breeds as puppies or breeding them just reinforces the issue - something that as a vet with animals welfare as a priority, I cannot get behind. ? ? No hate on these dogs! They didn?t ask to be born like this and every dog deserves to live a life free of suffering. But people should be more aware of what promoting the breeding of these dogs does for their welfare!

? original sound - Dr Alex Crow

The Vet finishes by stating that he is aware that he sees the worst in all the breeds because of his job and that he understands there are variations in every breed. He also continues to discuss how it is sad that breeding practices and human interference lead to many of these dog's health issues just for the sake of looking cute.

While Crow shared his list of five breeds you should never own, each and every dog is deserving of a loving forever home. Just be aware of all the health needs of the breed you select.