This might be the best DIY project ever invented.
What rivals a real Glock pistol? How about a cardboard version! When we came across this super cool DIY video on YouTube, we just had to share it with you. Best thing ever is that it actually shoots... (just not real bullets).
The how-to video is definitely fascinating to watch, although we think this might be more of a weekend project than something that can be done in a few hours. That being said, what better way to make a rainy day or two pass you by? As for the cardboard holster, you'll have to work that one out yourself.
Here's the video:
Pretty cool, right? We can see a lot of fun being had around the house or in the backyard with this cool cardboard facsimile.
For a full list of the templates, click HERE.
Be sure to share a pic or video with us if you make one of these. We'd love to see how it works out!
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