This deputy had to pull out his service revolver to end a groundhog threat.
This Facebook video shows a Maryland deputy attempting to coax a groundhog off a busy road, but then resorts to shooting it once the animal charges forward.
The footage was captured with a cell phone that belongs to Justyna Olkowska, who happened to be stopped with a long line of other traffic as the officer assessed the scene.
The video is comical at first, but quickly changes gears, ultimately resulting in the groundhog laying dead at the side of the road.
Olkowska posted the following description to go along with the viral clip:
"This just happened. And I'm soooo distraught!!!! Like I cannot believe I just witnessed this. If you're not an animal lover, you won't understand my pain...Liberty rd. Sykesville Police shooting Grundhogs in a head in broad daylight. Please share. I may be wrong and he might have been doing his job but all I kept thinking was what if my little niece and nephew were in the car with me seeing this.."
Warning: Viewer Discretion Advised
The deputy has stated the animal was "acting odd" and he believed it could've possibly been rabid.
A wild animal won't generally run toward you unless it's sick or injured.
Did the deputy do the right thing? Let's hear your thoughts.
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