Let's be honest, orcas are incredible. However, they are also a bit terrifying. They didn't earn the name Killer Whale for no reason. These guys are apex predators and this viral video just shows one of the many reasons why that is. Watch as an orca takes flight over 20 feet into the air as it hunts a dolphin.
Orcas: One Of The Ocean's Top Predators

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Orcas are easy to spot. With their distinct black and white color pattern and massive size, there is no missing these predators in the water. Whiskey Riff shares that "adult males can grow up to 32 feet long and weight around 22,000 pounds, while females are slightly smaller." Just the dorsal fin alone can reach up to six feet in height.
Pair that with swimming speeds of up to 35 miles per hour and you have quite the impressive hunter. While many people argue that the great whites are the top predator in the ocean, I would argue that the orcas give them a run for their money. Sure, great whites can also breach but seeing this orca launch 20 feet into the air proves that they are more than capable of the skill as well.
Additionally, while great whites are solitary hunters orcas use cooperative hunting techniques. Working together they use complex strategies and communication that allow them to take down a variety of prey. They hunt fish like salmon or herring but also focus on larger marine prey — such as seals, sea lions, and even whales. Orcas have even been known to take down great whites.
Orca Launches 20 Feet Into The Air Mid Hunt
A group of whale watchers in San Diego, California got the experience of a lifetime as they witnessed an orca launch 20 feet into the air. At first they saw a humpback whale surrounded by dolphins. Everything was peaceful until the crew noticed the dolphins turned frantic. Their change in behavior was due to the pod of hungry orcas that had just arrived on the scene.
Gone Whale Watching Founder Domenic Biagini shared that the whale watching crew had been following the humpback for awhile, watching it lunge feed on the surface. Afterwards they noticed a large line of dolphins and decided to pursue them. That is when they notice the dolphins all take off frantically, followed by a large splash. Just when they started to question what could have caused that splash "suddenly the unmistakeable shape of a Killer Whale exploded into the air!"
Cameras out and ready some of the crew were able to capture the incredible moment that an orca launched itself 20 feet into the air in pursuit of a dolphin. The caption read: "Who needs seaworld when the greatest Orca show in the world is in the WILD!" and honestly I would have to agree.
Nothing beats watching these epic creatures thrive in the wild.