When SHTF these are the best weapons you could have in your possession!
Personal security and survival are key when SHTF. Whether it's social unrest, a string of armed robberies, or a terrorist attack, these weapons are the best weapons to get you and your family out alive.
The Sawed-Off Shotgun

Photo from: Terminator 2
The sawed-off shotgun is deadly as it gets when it comes to close quarter combat and has long been a favorite of home owners for defense purposes. While this bad dude packs a punch when your target is close, it does quite the opposite at longer distances. Still, when it comes to powerful defense weapons, this is always on the front of everyones mind.
.50 BMG, When you don't want the enemy to get too close!

Photo from: tacticalshit.com
When the zombie apocalypse finally breaks out, the .50 BMG may be one of your best friends. This gun is perfect for when you need to blow the heads clean off the walking dead without allowing them to get "too close." While this guy doesn't have much application in close quarters, it can send some serious long-range damage.
The Machete

Photo from: topsurvivealweapons.com
In addition to gaining some serious notoriety after Hollywood named a movie name after it, the machete has long been a fearsome weapon of choice for hand to hand combat. With the age of sword fighting behind us nobody will expect it when you pull out a machete in self defense. An obvious close-quarter weapon that can seriously slice and dice its way out of a tough situation. The machete makes this list for its lethality and fearsome demeanor.
The Infamous AK-47

Photo from: magpul.com
I'm pretty sure are not surprised to see this legendary weapon on a best weapons countdown. After all, history has proven that this weapon is deadly against just about any threat in multiple different combat scenarios. Lets just say it will take more than a few zombies or a bad guy with a handgun to make you back down when you have this bullet factory in your hands.
The Mossberg 500 Flex

Photo from: mossberg.com
I know I included the sawed-off shotgun as the first item on this list, but I had include this bad dude as well. The Mossberg 500 FLEX allows for quick interchangeability of features in just seconds. With this type of flexibility in a SHTF scenario, you are sure to have the advantage over the threat at hand. Lets face it, the sound of a shotgun going off is enough to send a home intruder running and at least make a few zombies go deaf. This is one gun that you won't regret owning any time soon!
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