It turns out that dental floss is good for more than just removing that stubborn piece of food between your teeth. It can actually help you in a survival situation as well. Here are 10 reasons why you should have dental floss in your survival kit.
10 Reasons You Should Have Dental Floss In Your Survival Kit

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While it may not be the first thing you think of, dental floss can come in handy during survival situations. Here are 10 practical uses for dental floss.
1. Prevent Infection
While flossing your teeth may be the last thing you are thinking about in the wild, it can still be beneficial to your health. If you get food stuck in your teeth and leave it there it can breed bacteria. Using the floss to keep your mouth clean is good hygiene.
2. Make An Alarm
Use dental floss to create an alarm system for yourself. Tie the lids of some aluminum cans together and string it across the perimeter of your camp. Most people and animals won't see the floss so they will walk right into it, alerting you of their presence.
3. As Restraints
While it may not be the most pleasant of thoughts if you ever need to restrain something or someone while out in the wild you can use dental floss. While it might not seem like the strongest material in the world, Kauai Hiking Tours admits that several strands of floss should do the trick.
4. Use As A Clothesline
If you are stuck in the wild you are going to be wearing the same clothes for a while. Dental floss can help your survival and with your clothes. Sting the floss between two trees and use it as a clothesline to hang your clothes after washing them in nearby water.
5. Mend Clothing And Shoes
Another reason that you want dental floss in your survival kit is that it can be used to mend clothing and as makeshift shoelaces. Although it may not be the preferred material, it should be strong enough to do the job.
6. Secure Your Hair
If you have long hair, it can get tangled, trapped in things, or just down right annoying. With dental floss in your survival kit, you have a makeshift hair tie to tie your hair back and out of the way.
7. Make A Fishing Pole
Assuming that you were not expecting to end up in this survival situation, you probably didn't pack your fishing pole. Have no fear, with dental floss and a branch you can make your own. Now you can secure your own food, which is essential in a survival situation.
8. Cut Food
Surprisingly dental floss can help you cut your meat. Wrap it around a hunk of meat, or fruit and pull it tight. "The floss is fine enough that it can cut through meat and other food."
9. As Tinder
Another way that dental floss is great for survival kits is that it can be used as tinder. If you are low on fire-starting supplies then this can come in handy. Waxed dental floss burns easily so you can use a bundle of it to get a fire started.
10. As Stitches
It is almost inevitable, when you are out in the wild you will get some sort of cut or scrape. Dental floss can be used to sew your skin back together. Helping to close the wound can help prevent it from getting infected.