Why You Should Probably Reconsider Using That Hot Tub At Your Airbnb
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Why You Should Probably Reconsider Using That Hot Tub At Your Airbnb

One of people's favorite things about staying in an Airbnb on vacation is probably the hot tub. After all, it's the perfect way to unwind and to relax after a frantic day of exploring.

But some suggest the you actually skip out on using the hot tub. It turns out that it can be a breeding ground for bacteria and illness if the owner isn't upkeeping the hot tub. I mean just think about all the people who probably used it before you. Justin Spracklin, a skincare expert on TikTok, recently spoke about rentals and why you couldn't catch him in one.

"Although I used to have a hot tub, and it was well maintained, this is not a place that you'll ever see me dipping my body into," Spracklin said. "Hot tubs are notorious for being breeding grounds for bacteria because they are the perfect ideal conditions for them to thrive."

It turns out that the baths can be the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and illness, according to WebMD. In particular, the bacteria, Pseudomonas, can cause a skin infection that causes red bumps to pop up on your body. "These bumps can pop up anywhere from a few hours to a few days after you take a dip," WebMD writes.

Airbnb Hot Tub

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warns about hot tubs at Airbnb rentals and their risks.

"Hot tub users are at risk for these illnesses if they swallow, have contact with, or breathe in mists or aerosols from water contaminated with germs," the CDC said in January. "A properly chlorinated hot tub has little odor. A strong chemical smell indicates a problem."

Of course, people were quick to share their own experiences and fears with using an Airbnb hot tub. They commented on the skin expert's video

"I'm terrified of airbnbs," one wrote.

"Got it I will never go into a hot tub again lol," another wrote. Still, another wrote, "I got hives after I went on a cruise hot tub. Lasted for two weeks." So it's important to consider if you're planning on traveling.