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Widower Finds Late Husband's Wedding Ring 61 Years Later Near Tree They Planted

A Kentucky woman seemingly defied the odds when she found her late husband's wedding ring 61 years after it was lost.

According to the NY Post, Barbara Gregory married her now-late husband in 1963. To celebrate their marriage, Barbara and Glenn planted a tree together near their Kentucky home.

Like many a man before and after him, Glenn would eventually lose that ring. According to WLKY in Louisville, Glenn lost the ring just months after their marriage. The assumption was that the ring was lost while Glenn was setting a footer for the couple's mobile home.

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Barbara said the pair immediately began a search mission to find the lost ring. After plenty of effort and time, the pair was forced to accept that the ring was lost, seemingly forever.

While the ring was lost, the tree the pair had planted grew taller and taller. With each year that passed, the marriage shared by Barbara and Glenn grew as big and strong as that tree.

It was many years since their marriage that Glenn eventually passed away of cancer. In December 2023, Glenn peacefully died, and somehow, the story of his wedding ring was spun up again.

Lost Wedding Band Found Decades Later in Kentucky

After Glenn's death, Barbara hired a monument company to erect a headstone at Glenn's final resting place, which was on their farm. As luck would have it, Jonathan Searcy of Searcy Monument Co. would notice something shining out of the soil during his work at the farm.

Be it fate or something else, Jonathan had found Glenn's wedding ring, 61 years later, near the tree the newlyweds had once planted. Searcy called the odds "a million-to-one," and chalked it up to God working in "mysterious ways."

Funny enough, Glenn had three wedding rings during his time with Barbara. His first was the one which was eventually found by Jonathan. A second ring was lost and never found. And his third wedding band stayed on his hand until his passing and is kept by Barbara today.

In a world where bad news feels unrelenting, the story of Barbara, Glenn and a once-lost wedding band, is nice to hear about.