A dash cam video from a semi has gone viral after showing a whitetail buck get crushed by the vehicle.
The video was originally shared to Instagram, and has garnered thousands of likes. Moreover, the link has been reposted and shared by a variety of outlets, like Whiskey Riff.
The video itself is a rather short and quick. In a world where content is seemingly always in the face of internet users, this particular video wastes no time getting to the point of the post. The buck steps out into the highway and makes its best effort to beat the semi across the road. The deer was not successful in its attempt, and gets crushed by the truck quickly.
Shockingly, the buck's antlers are launched into the sky as a result of the collision. The scene sparked plenty of interest from commenters on the post. One Instagram user asked which highway the deer had been hit on, as he was interested in going to look for the sheds. Notably, the sheds did seem to be rather large.
Another commenter, who is apparently a semi-truck driver as well, said that antlers often will fly over the hood of semi-truck. That comment was wrapped up simply, calling it all "crazy stuff."
Viral Video Shows Whitetail Buck Hit By Semi On Dash Cam
Whitetail deer are seemingly always a bit confused by oncoming vehicles. As goes the saying "looking like a deer in headlights," deer are often frozen by a set of headlights barreling toward them. Likewise, oncoming traffic will also act, at times, as an activator for nearby whitetail. In the case of this video, the headlights certainly seemed to force the buck's hand, as it took off out of the ditch at the last minute. Prior to running into the highway, the buck was standing, seemingly peacefully, out of the way of the dangerous traffic.
Luckily, the semi barreled right along. The driver was not bothered much at all, and no other drivers were put in danger by the collision. On the contrary, the deer's fate was tragic, as the buck certainly perished on the highway.