Wolverine Babies

Wolverine Babies Spotted for the First Time Ever in the Bitterroot National Forest

So, this is kind of a big deal. 

Wolverines are fierce little predators. They make bears look elsewhere if there's an animal carcass up for grabs. Even though these animals are widespread, there aren't many in the lower 48 states.

The highest density the United States has is in Alaska. Otherwise, they inhabit almost all of northern Canada as well as parts of Europe.

That said, video evidence has just emerged that spotted wolverine babies and their mother in the Bitterroot National Forest of Montana.

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Every now and then, we get reports of single, nomadic wolverines crossing the northern parts of the U.S. However, this indicates we might be getting a breading population in some areas.

"We're beyond excited to have this great footage of wolverine babies in the Sapphire Mountains of the Bitterroot National Forest," said Kylie Paul, a coordinator of scientists and citizens working together to track these creatures. "There are only small pockets of high-quality wolverine habitat in the Sapphires and this shows how valuable those secure pockets are for these critters."

Since the inception of the program back in 2015, only 10 wolverines have been spotted in this area. It seems like there's going to be a boom of more footage and sightings soon.


