Wyoming Family Has Been Using Same Winchester Rifle To Hunt For Over 100 Years
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Wyoming Family Has Been Using Same Winchester Rifle To Hunt For Over 100 Years

Talk about having a family heirloom! A Wyoming family has been using the same Winchester rifle, a model 1894, for over 100 years. And it still works as smoothly as it ever did.

Speaking with Cowboy State Daily, Bob Budd says that the rifle has accompanied him on many hunting trips over the years and still works flawlessly. The weapon has been in his family for more than five generations. Both his grandfather and father shot their first deer with it and so did him and his children.

"I think it's a talisman. A rifle is a talisman for those of us who grew up in that culture," he said. He reveals that his great-great uncle, Wesley Mills, purchased the 1984 Winchester. He ended up giving it to his great-great grandmother. "She was a crack shot. Whenever there was a ruckus coming from the chicken coop, she'd grab this rifle and off she'd go."

Wincester Rifle

The hunting rifle has an impressive history. It's dropped it's fair share of elk and deer over the years. It's also been used to hunt bear and moose as well. But it's the memories of generations that make it special.

"Dad and I went down the ridge, snuck down to where we could get within about 80 yards (of the deer), and with open sights, iron sights. And the deal was, take your time, breathe, one shot, kill. And that's what we did," he said.

The outdoorsman is concerned that weapons like the Winchester are becoming increasingly relics of the past and will be forgotten about. So in a way, the Winchester is a way to hold onto his family's past.

 "If we don't remember where we came from, we'll never know where we're going," he said.

"Our heritage in this state is so tightly tied to wildlife in the outdoors. And I use this (rifle) as a prop to say, 'You know, this is something that represents over 100 years of heritage, but it's also 100 years of ethics. It's 100 years of caring for the environments, 100 years of caring for wildlife and agriculture and the habitats that people provide for those species,'" Budd said.