People say cats have nine lives, but this dog may have some extra lives, too. This little Yorkie miraculously survived a shark attack in Florida the other day. While she and her family were enjoying a calming day on the boat, things turned south very quickly. Unbeknownst to the couple, their little Yorkie was soon to be attacked by a shark! Watch to see how this Yorkie survives a shark attack.
A Surprise Day On The Water
Terry and Bill were enjoying a day on their boat with their Yorkie, Maddie. The couple was out on the San Sebastian River in Downtown St. Augustine. Maddie, the Yorkie, was no stranger to these trips, and she moved about the boat with confidence. However, at one point, she was standing on the bow of the boat, and she lost her balance, causing her to fall into the water.
Terry and Bill spoke with News4JAX Local Station about the encounter. They said at first, they thought it was no big deal. Bill noticed Maddie had fallen close to the propeller, so he turned the boat around. He told the reporter he thought this would be something they would laugh about. However, as they approached Maddie to remove her from the water and get her into the boat, she "just straight up disappears." Little did they know they were about to see how a Yorkie survives a shark attack.
Yorkie Survies Shark Attack
The couple did not initially suspect a shark had dragged their precious fur baby under the water. However, not knowing the reasons for her disappearance did not make it any less harrowing. When asked how long Maddie had been under the water, Terry responded, "It seemed like an eternity, but it was probably a good five to ten seconds."
Just as the couple thought they would never see Maddie again, she resurfaced. Without a second thought, Terry jumped into the water to rescue Maddie. As she handed her off to her husband, Bill, the couple noticed the blood. They tell the news reporter, "We thought Maddie had been accidentally sliced by the boat propellor." As they rushed her to the vet, the pair still had no idea that their Yorkie had just survived a shark attack.
Couple Learns That Their Yorkie Survies Shark Attack

Screenshot from YouTube video
Due to the substantial injuries that Maddie sustained, she needed to be kept at the vet's office. Reports claim that her pelvis was broken in three locations. However, as the vet was attending to Maddie, she noticed something work mentioning. The couple tells the story of how the vet called them. The vet claimed she did not believe it was the propellor that had harmed Maddie.
She said if the propellor had come into contact with Maddie, "the propellor would have sliced Maddie in half." Another thing that the propellor didn't explain was the " six to seven deep puncture wounds" that were left on Maddie's leg. After confirming with multiple of her colleagues, the vet explained to Terry and Bill that she believed their Yorkie survived a shark attack.
Not only does a shark attack explain the wounds Maddie sustained, but it also explains the nature of the accident. The propellor would not have dragged the dog under, but a shark would have. The news reporter claimed that "experts believe the shark may have shaken Maddie when she was under the water and then let her go." The combined force of the bite and the shaking would have been enough to break the small dog's pelvis. However, upon realizing that Maddie did not taste like their typical prey, the shark released her.
What Shark Is Responsible For The Attack?

Photo via mapush/Shutterstock
While it is impressive that this Yorkie survived a shark attack, people now want to know what type of shark is responsible. Both bull and lemon sharks are known to enter intercoastal waterways, so they are the two top contenders for the attack. Furthermore, a bull shark was recently captured in the same waters where Maddie fell in, furthering the possibility that a bull shark attacked the Yorkie.
Now that Maddie is safe back at home, Terry and Bill use their experience to warn others. They address the common misconception that sharks do not frequent this river, but Bill claims otherwise. He told the reporter, "There are some big fish in there. I've caught 300-pound bull sharks in there. And I've seen some 300-400 pound lemon sharks in there. " The couple urges all those who choose to enjoy these waters to be careful and be aware. While it was incredible that their Yorkie survived a shark attack, they don't want others to encounter the same experience.