YouTuber Has Many Questions After Hiking To Bizarre Structure He Found On Google Earth
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YouTuber Has Many Questions After Hiking To Bizarre Structure He Found On Google Earth

If you saw something creepy or kind of bizarre online, would you go find it in real life? That's exactly what one YouTuber did. After discovering a bizarre structure on Google Earth, they decided to hike out to it.

Nolan Fisher is the inventor of the YouTube page ThePOVchannel. He regularly goes on adventures to locate strange structures he finds on the internet in real life. Fisher became perplexed with a strange-shaped tunnel in the middle of nowhere. To get to the structure, he would have to go out to the middle of no where by himself.

"This geologic structure is one of the most bizarre I have ever found on Google Earth. I knew it was hiding something. I just didn't know what it was," he said in one video uploaded in December. "The only way to get to this thing is through several miles of intricate and treacherous petrified sand dunes. I wasn't sure if I would make it or what I would find, but I ended up leaving this place completely exhausted."

YouTube Visits Strange Structure

However, curiosity got the best of him. He wondered what made the strange shapes. Unsure of if he could even reach it, he and his dog set out for a couple-hour walk. He ended up reaching this "complex-looking chunk of sandstone rising into the sky in the desert."

"When I visited this place, I found several things that lead me to believe that there may have been something here, but probably a very, very long time ago," he wrote in the YouTube description of the video. However, it ended up being worth the trip into the desert. The structure was indeed there.

"This intense journey lead me through a very difficult landscape and took many hours. But, when I finally made it to my destination, I was honestly blown away by what I somehow discovered," he said.

However, what caused the structure is a mystery that not even this YouTuber can answer. He said,  "I wasn't sure I would make it or what I would find. But I ended up leaving this place completely exhausted and with more questions than answers."

He did open up a discussion among his followers though. One person wrote, "Is it possible you are the first human in thousands of years to see and walk through that arch/tunnel?" Strange to ponder indeed.