YouTube / Fearless & Far

YouTuber Hikes Three Days Through Wilderness To Find Famed Drug Lord's Crashed Plane

On the "Fearless & Far" YouTube channel, a group of adventurers made a multi-day trek through Mexico's jungle, before reaching Pablo Escobar's crashed plane.

According to LADBIBLE, the channel is hosted by Mike Corey. Corey and his team worked there way through the Yucatan Peninsula for three days before reaching the wreckage. The wreck is quite infamous, as the plane has always been assumed to have been carrying drugs. In 1966, when the plane went down, it was believed that the cargo ship was carrying a large shipment. What that shipment was made up of was a real mystery, but assumptions have been made for decades. Pablo Escobar was the rumored owner of the aircraft, and drugs are often accepted as the most likely cargo.

Interestingly, the plane was not found for 13 years after its wreck. By the time it was discovered, many questions were unable to be answered. Authorities have never identified what happened to the aircraft to cause the crash, or what happened to its cargo and crew. Perhaps the most interesting question is "where did the cargo go?"

Being that the plane was surrounded by mangroves, and so remote in its resting place, getting to and from the aircraft is no small task. Moreover, the peninsula itself is known to be tough terrain to move through. The whole thing seemed plenty mysterious from the jump.

YouTuber Films Journey Through Wilderness Toward Infamous Plane Wreckage

In Mike Corey's video, the team filmed their entire. Early on, they came face to face with a large snake, which spooked the crew. Regardless of their initial hesitancy, they continued onward. Eventually, they did locate the crashed plane. Notably, they noticed that their seemed to be bullet holes in the roof of the aircraft. Likewise, the plane was very empty, but the steering wheel, pilot's seat and window all remained intact. Fascinatingly, empty barrels also sat under the aircraft's wings, which the team assumed could have carried drugs.

The team's effort in reaching the plane were mighty. Corey described their reaching the wreck as similar to a mountain's summit. Certainly, the journey was tough, and worthy of a celebration.